Wednesday, January 27, 2010

(Chinese) New Year's Resolution (effective immediately)

I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions. It seems really pointless to me to wait until a specific date to try to improve yourself. Therefore, when I come up with a change I'd like to initiate in myself, I want to start right away, and don't bother announcing or labeling it as a resolution. However, with this particular item, I want the world at large to help, so in honor of the next upcoming New Year, I am labeling it my (Chinese) New Year's Resolution:

I resolve to be friendly to everybody. This means a genuine smile and greeting to people I know, or who greet me.

The reason this comes up is because 1. I'm trying to shield myself from the crankiness and frustration I feel creeping in from the ongoing recruiting and 2. I know at even my 2nd quarter, I am starting to develop impressions of other people, suppositions of their feelings towards me, and expectations (both positive and negative) of their future behavior. In other words, I find myself writing people off. This is good from a time management perspective - why waste time and valuable hurt feelings on people you think have already written you off or with whom you have no meaningful connection. However, I think I'd like to retain my youthful optimism a bit more. Part of this is I'm curious as to how strong the self-fulfilling prophecy really is, and part of this is just me wanting to be an overall better person.

So there you have it. If you walk by me and I don't smile and say hi, you are fully entitled to kick me in the crotch.


  1. Hi, busicow

    I am new admit at Kellogg and I have some questions about the MMM program. Is it ok if I contact you through email? Thanks a lot!

  2. Congratulations on your admittance!

    I am always happy to answer questions or chat. My email is busicow -at- gmail -dot- com

    Good luck with your decision and you will find that all Kellogg students are more than happy to spend time and give our honest perspectives - that's just the way others were with us and so we pay it forward.
