Sunday, April 3, 2011


On an independent study last quarter, the professor was unable to give me feedback during the quarter and now, after grading my final project, has given me the choice of

1) take a B now
2) make changes (estimated at 15-20 hours of work) to receive an A

Honestly, I don't have the 15-20 hours to put in this quarter.  In fact, cost benefit analysis tells me clearly to take the B and to continue bailing out (ladling water out) rather than take on more water on an already sinking ship.  I am going to sleep on it before responding, but I already know I will be making the changes.    There is something wrong with my brain.  This is why I wish I knew more about psychology, so I could understand why I make irrational choices.

There is no right answer

I got really annoyed tonight because my roommate needlessly reran the dishwasher, even though the contents were already clean after I ran it yesterday.

While that is certainly laziness on his part for not checking, the hissy fit I felt like having was disproportionate to the offense.  (Luckily, he is out, so I had time to calm down and probably now won't even mention it)

This either means 1 of 2 things.

1. I am more suited to live by myself (no doubts here) and I should in the future to maintain my Zen.
2. It is good for me to live with someone else, to practice putting things in perspective and thinking from another person's point of view, and I should get a roommate in the future to learn to be a better person.

Love how depending on your opinion and/or perspective, either one can be right.  But they are complete opposites.